LandWISE News February 2013

Pukekohe Field Walk with Tim Chamen – 1:00pm Thursday 21 February

Hosted by A.S. Wilcox at Seath’s Block, 567 Mercer Ferry Rd, Pukekawa

We are fortunate to have Tim Chamen in the country on his way to the International Controlled Traffic Conference in Toowoomba later this month. He is keen to join our field walk and keen to share stories.

Tim had a long research career at the Silsoe Research Institute in the UK, looking at the effects of soil tillage and compaction on soil and crop responses. He recently recently received a doctorate covering field traffic, soils and crops.

Since 1996 he has consulted on soil tillage and increasingly on ways of avoiding soil damage from machinery. In 2007 he established CTF Europe Ltd to facilitate controlled traffic farming across Europe. CTF Europe uses a membership scheme and offers consultancy to individuals or groups.

The focus of the day at Seath’s is the Controlled Traffic Farming that the Wilcox team has been running for four years. Having now completed a full crop rotation cycle (onions, potatoes, cereals, onions) they have a good grasp of the issues and have certainly got a good idea of the benefits. Does halving costs have appeal?

We’ll also consider how the programme fits the theme of “Resilient Cropping”, increasing farm capacity to bounce back from adverse events, whatever they may be.

LandWISE 2013 – 11th Annual Conference 15 – 17 May 2013

Put the 15-16 and 17 May 2013 in your diary for the 11th Annual LandWISE Conference.

Debbie Walton has rejoined our team, working to ensure another successful conference. She is contactable via or Phone 06 650 4531.

Most of our (very loyal) sponsors have already caught up with us, but anyone else can contact Debbie to discuss opportunities.

Part 1: 15-16 May “New Ideas”

The traditional LandWISE Conference on 15-16 May will be held at the Havelock North Community Centre.

We have a few slots left in the programme, which it is looking fresh and interesting. If you have a presentation you would like added, or ideas you want covered, please direct your query to Dan via or Phone 06 876 6630. Please be quick as things are filling very quickly.

Part 2: 17th May “Going into Irrigation” LandWISE/IrrigationNZ

Friday 17th May will be a special focus day based in Tikokino, on the Ruataniwha Plains. “Going into Irrigation” is a joint effort with Irrigation New Zealand.

While set firmly in the Ruataniwha Water Study area, the content and contacts apply to anyone thinking of making the jump into irrigation. They may be an independent abstractor or in an existing, new or proposed scheme area.


Conference registration will be available on-line soon. A notice will be sent to you with details. As usual, discounted rates for paid up members.

LandWISE Video Competition – Cash Prize

Entries are open for the Inaugural LandWISE Farm Video Competition. Don’t leave it too late to grab some clips.

Theme 2013

“Farming is great – it’s good for us all.”

Make a “YouTube” clip video that improves understanding and perception of agriculture among the urban populace. All aspiring Smartphone Jacksons, start planning and grabbing clips while there’s stuff happening down on the farm!

The main message this month is “GET FILMING”. Phone video is just fine!

We know you are hard out at present, but take 30 seconds now and then to capture key farm events. Remind the public that you produce their breakfast, lunch, dinner and tea. Harvest pictures will drive that message. Remind them it takes time, skill and dedication – care at planting, excellent husbandry, crop monitoring, efficient watering – and lots of hard work.

How many boxes of cornflakes does your farm produce? How many salad meals? Hash-browns? Servings of peas? Cobs of corn?

Tip: Good light is important for good video, especially using small lenses.

Entries close 12 noon, Monday 6th May 2013.
Foreign Entries welcome

By entering, you agree that LandWISE can use your video and to post your entry on internet.

Serving suggestions:

  • Maximum length four minutes
  • Provide good quality information about farming
  • Health and Safety are important – avoid Jackass stuff
  • Originality is highly valued, even if it is parody
  • Involve real farm staff (and animals and machines)
  • Sell farming to urban folk (honestly)
  • Soundtrack choice has a huge effect on impact
  • Humour counts a lot
  • Video quality needs to be acceptable, remember it’s YouTube standard, but it should be ok full-screen

Judging and Winners

Top entries will be shown at the LandWISE Conference dinner, where the winners will be announced.

Judges’ decision is final, cannot be appealed, and need not be justified.

Protocols for GPS Guidance

We’ve updated the format of the booklet, Protocols for GPS Guidance so it prints nicely for A5 layout. This makes it a good handbook size with font large enough to read!


LandWISE Membership

SIGN UP ON LINE: Complete a membership application here>


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