Callaghan Innovation Technical Session Filling Rapidly

A high level of interest from lead researchers, farmers and technical people has seen available places at the Callaghan Innovation Special Technical Session fill rapidly.

Numbers were limited because of space, and to aid high quality interaction between participants. Why are people wanting to come?

My reason for wanting to be part of this meeting is to upskill, to share ideas

I’m interested to help link researchers and ag industry people, and to hear about ag industry needs for research, around some specific projects we are looking at and also in general, to help bring researchers and industry together

To look for initiatives for the application of UAV technology.  To better understand the challenges and opportunities facing the precision ag industry

To share with others a vision of how technology will lead food production in the future

 I am significantly involved in the emerging and evolving technologies for NZ agriculture/horticulture industries. The networking and discussion on this day will be of immediate interest/benefit to me and I am in a position to contribute meaningfully to the day from a research but also from the perspective of the farmers I interact with on a daily basis discussing developments in this area.

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