FAR and LandWISE Precision Ag field day at Lawson’s Organic Farms in Hastings

On 8 December FAR and LandWISE co-hosted a Precision Agriculture and Advanced Farming Systems session at the Centre for Land and Water. Jim Wilson from Soil Essentials in the UK, gave a presentation on crop sensors and variable rate management to a group of 28 farmers and industry representatives.
Case IH sponsored lunch for the group at the Centre for Land and Water.

After lunch the group reconvened at Lawson’s Organic Farms to view Scott Lawson’s high tech organic operation in Ngatarawa road. Scott is using GPS to guide his cultivation in a seasonal controlled traffic operation in fresh and process vegetables.

Thanks to CASE IH, FAR for support of this event and True Earth Organics for hosting the field walk.

For further information: Call James on 06 6504531 or 0272 757757, email james@landwise.org.nz or see www.landwise.org.nz for updates.

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