Foundation for Arable Research Combinable Crops

On 3 December 2009 FAR held their Combinable Crops Field Day at their arable trial site in Chertsey in Canterbury.
420 attended and saw presentations on technology, cropping, water and Precision Ag.
Speakers included Carolyn Hedley from Landcare Research on Precision Irrigation, Ian Yule from NZ Centre for Precision Ag, along with FAR presenters, Andrew Curtis from Irrigation NZ, researchers and farmers.

James Powrie and Dan Bloomer, spoke on the Advanced Farming Systems project and strip tillage.
Jim Wilson, Precision Ag specialist and arable farmer from UK was the keynote speaker, on crop sensing, zonal management and variable rate and his presentation is here as a separate posting.

Thanks to FAR for the high quality of this event and for assembling an audience who are showing more and more interest in Precision Ag.
For further information: Call James on 06 6504531 or 0272 757757, email or see for updates.

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