Onions NZ Research Workshop

Improving the profitability of onions

Wednesday 10 May 2017 1:30pm to 5:00pm
Campbell Tyson Business Centre
Level 2, 1 Wesley Street

Come along to hear and discuss results from the second seasons of the Onions NZ/MPI Sustainable Farming Fund project “Enhancing the profitability and value of NZ onions” presented by LandWISE Inc. and Plant and Food Research. You will also be able to contribute to the research plans for the next season of this project.

In addition, recent research conducted by Plant and Food Research on the impact of soils on soil borne diseases as well as work completed by the industry’s two PhD scholars will also be presented.

This Workshop is free to Onions NZ members but registration is essential.

Please register attendance by emailing James Kuperus with the names of who you are registering (if it is more than just yourself).

Click here for the programme