CTF Vegetables – updates

John McPhee

John McPheeJohn is a researcher in the Vegetable Centre of the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture.  John has long experience working with farmers to develop systems to care for soil, save time and energy, and grow good crops.

John addressed LandWISE in 2009. Five years later he is returning to share experiences and update us on developments in Tasmania, across Australia and around the world. He will discuss steps farmers can make as they move towards seasonal controlled traffic farming and full controlled traffic farming in mixed vegetable production systems.

John will show examples of machinery and discuss some of the challenges of CTF when a range of crops is compounded with livestock in the system. However, he shows the economics stack up and the soil benefits are real.

Chris Butler

Chris_ButlerChris has also addressed previous LandWISE events. He recently returned to SnapFresh Foods to grow salad crops in South Auckland. He will discuss the implications of reverting from controlled traffic farming back to random trafficking. He has seen very significant soil changes, and increases in machinery and energy requirements, water ponding and costs.

Chris has considerable experience setting up controlled traffic farming systems, having worked with David Clark to introduce CTF ofr maize in Gisborne, and growing salads on sands in Rangiriri and volcanic clays in Mangere.

John and Chris are presenters at LandWISE 2014 – Ever Better: Farmers, land and water.


Peas and PGRs

LandWISE Conference Presentation – Seeking consistent high pea yields

Pea PGRs

Farmers have noted drought-stressed pea crops can out-yield more vigorous ones. The stressed plants seem to have flowering curtailed, while vigorous ones continue flowering and have late pods and peas that will not be mature at harvest.

The MicroFarm group is looking at plant growth regulators to condense flowering and therefore the harvestable proportion of the crop.

Plant growth regulators control things such as shoot and root growth, internode length, flowering, fruit set and ripening. They are widely used in horticulture and have been used to manipulate flowering times.

We tried a few options that have shown to have effect elsewhere. It was a first look to see if this is something worth researching further. Interesting results from the early crops encouraged us to try again with the later planting. Encouraging reults from that point to further work.

Plant & Food Research technician Christina Waldon will present results to date

Register here>

Getting above the crop

LandWISE Conference Presentation -Trimble’s UX5


The UX5 is Trimble’s new Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) for aerial mapping and imaging. It can cover 200ha an hour, getting 5cm pixel resolution images used to generate 3D images of the terrain. Farmers can determine crop heights and generate topographic maps and models for land levelling and drainage applications.

The UX5’s camera captures near infrared to allow vegetation index calculations to enhance crop scouting and helps detect pests, diseases and nutrient issues. The image resolution means considerable detail can be seen giving agronomists a tool to see parts of plants.

We have been watching development in the UAS/UAV/drone space and see these machines as one of the next leaps in agricultural technology. We note the aircraft is only one part of a complex puzzle. The camera is another and GPS referencing yet another.

But it is turning data into farm management information that gives the value so the analysis software and knowledge of how to get benefits from these new tools are the critical aspect to us. And we always want to know how a new product integrates with the other tools in use on the farm. With spatial data that means the farm map, the tractor, the planter, the fertiliser spreader, the harvester and everything else too!

The UX5 will be presented at LandWISE 2014 and delegates will get to see it in the flesh. We are very interested to know how farmers and their support crew perceive it, what they think its first uses might be.  This will be a great opportunity to seek more clarification.

Here’s a link to whet your appetite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuzh9XCIins

Good practice, precision agriculture and farm plans

Good farm plans ensure we understand our resource base – primarily our land, water and climate – and manage to make production efficient. What will a cropping farm plan look like? What should be included?

We will achieve greater efficiency by carefully monitoring our inputs and outputs, and applying just enough to get the results we want. Nutrients, water, cultivation and crop protection can be necessary inputs but we don’t want too much of a good thing. We also get efficiency by planning so each action fits properly into the mix of daily, weekly, monthly and longer term events.

The 2014 LandWISE Conference in Palmerston North will focus on the constant drive to improve performance on and off farm. Farming never has, and never should, stand still. Much on-going improvement is now linked to precision agriculture, and the timely application of intelligence. But we must still get the basics right.

LandWISE farmers are leaders in precision agriculture. Initial steps for most were GPS tractor guidance, offering immediate input efficiency gains and importantly reducing fatigue. Many farmers have stopped there. Others have leapt ahead.

Leaders are capturing increasing benefits by mixing precise positioning with automation, sensor technologies, smart software and their own ingenuity. Some hone in on precision nutrient management with detailed mapping and variable rate application. Others have become highly skilled at level surveying and land shaping to assure good drainage.

Precision agriculture is a whole shopping trolley of tools and techniques. The best options for one farmer on one farm may be quite different for another. Massey University Professor of Precision Agriculture Ian Yule describes this as “bricolage”, a French word for tinkering.

In fine arts bricolage describes the construction or creation of a work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available. Farmers tend to be excellent tinkerers. When aware of the huge choice in the precision agriculture shopping trolley, they are able to develop a unique package that best suits them and their farm system.

The LandWISE Conference provides a meeting place where opportunities and ideas can be shared and custom solutions built from what happens to be available.

Keynote speaker Rod Collins from Agri-science Queensland is an experienced research agronomist, working with growers to implement a voluntary self-assessment and planning process. He will share thoughts on Implementing Best Practice, multi-sector efforts to integrate environment and economics, and accelerating adoption of farming practices that improve catchment water quality.

On Day 1, Conference delegates can also anticipate stories from Controlled Traffic for vegetables in Tasmania, impacts of reverting from CTF to RTF in Auckland, advances in crop sensing at regional scale, and precision ag research and implementation in New Zealand and overseas. There will be updates on nutrient management, irrigation management, drainage planning, technologies and implementation, and land shaping.

On Day 2, we turn our focus to the Arawhata Catchment near Levin. With the Tararua Vegetable Growers’ Association and Horizons Regional Council, we will tour Lake Horowhenua and farms. We will look at tools that can help us improve drainage and increase production while reducing sediment and nutrient losses.

With farm plans forming the base of future management and regulation, we’ll think about what is involved. What should a cropping farm plan look like? Where might we get information to support our planning? How can precision agriculture help?

LandWISE 2014: Ever Better – farmers, land and water

21-22 May 2014
Awapuni Function Centre
Palmerston North

Many thanks to our Platinum Conference Sponsors, BASF Crop Protection and John Deere. Thanks also to Gold sponsors, Potatoes New Zealand and Process Vegetables New Zealand, Horizons Regional Council and Trimble Ag specialists, GPS Control Systems.
More details 

New Project: Fertiliser Calibration

JDcalibrationLandWISE has been granted funding to develop fertiliser application calibration procedures suitable for farmers applying nutrients with their own equipment. The two year Ministry for Primary Industries’ Sustainable Farming Fund project is co-funded by the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) and the Fertiliser Association of New Zealand (FertResearch). Work will begin in July.

Why have this project?

Intensive farming is under intense scrutiny as impacts on soil and fresh water are questioned. Nutrient budgeting is a critical aspect of fertiliser practice. Knowing what should be done is important. Knowing what is actually done is important too. This project will allow on-farm checks to ensure and demonstrate that their own or contracted application equipment is performing to expectations.

Recommendations and nutrient management plans from fertiliser and agricultural consultants assume the fertiliser material will be spread evenly and accurately over the target area at the target application rate. Poor spreading can negate the best management plans and result in significant production losses and pollution of waterways.

The Fertiliser Industry Code of Practice for Nutrient Management notes greater precision in fertiliser application is increasingly important if profits are to be lifted by more intensive farming.  Intensification brings a greater risk of negative impacts on farm profits and on the environment through errors and inefficiencies in fertiliser application. Fertiliser and its application is often the single biggest discretionary expense.

What will be done?

This project will deliver protocols, guidelines, templates and training modules for farmers doing their
own ground based fertiliser application. Calibration is familiar to farmers for agrichemical application. It is increasingly applied for irrigation, to achieve water use efficiencies and reduce the risk of drainage and leaching. The new aspect is applying to fertiliser placement, distribution uniformity measures as well as gross per hectare application rates.

Most fertiliser applicator manufacturers provide guidelines to calibrate equipment. However, usually only the bulk application per hectare is determined, not the uniformity of application. This is a critical omission, as poor distribution significantly impacts yield and increases risk of leaching losses.

Ground based application includes a wide range of application methods to apply a vast array of fertiliser products, requiring careful matching of equipment and technique to the fertiliser and production system.

FertSpreadThe project will address the two broad types of ground based spreading equipment:

  • equipment that spreads fertiliser beyond the width of the machine – e.g. bulk spinners
  • equipment where the swath width is equal to or less than the width of the machine – e.g. boom sprayers, combine drills, pneumatic top dressers.

The key performance criteria will be defined and expected levels provided.
Clear calibration protocols will be supported with guidelines and templates to ensure their correct implementation and for record keeping.

A training module and resources suitable for delivery to farm fertiliser managers and staff will be developed. Training opportunities will be provided at various locations around the country.
Together the project outputs will enable farmers to suitably calibrate equipment and record data pertaining to efficient use of nutrients. Their records will support industry QA programmes and demonstrate regulatory compliance.

For more information, contact Dan Bloomer at LandWISE:

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Hugh and Sharon Ritchie – Hawke’s Bay Farmer of the Year

LandWISE Chairman, Hugh Ritchie, and wife Sharon were named Silver Fern Farms Hawke’s Bay Farmer of the Year in April 2014. This follows Hugh’s father David Ritchie being given the same award in 1990. Both generations are recognised for their innovative farming practices, focus on sustainable production and care of soils, and for their very significant contributions to industry and their communities.

Marie Taylor image

Hugh and Sharon Ritchie, Silver Fern Farms Farmers of the Year (Marie Taylor photo from AgriHQ)

Hugh is a LandWISE Founder, being involved from the very start and contributing immensely to development of strip tillage, initially to stop wind erosion and then as a standard practice to reduce costs and care for all types of cropping soils. Hugh has chaired LandWISE since it was incorporated in 2003. He has had many industry and community roles and is currently on the Boards of FAR, Irrigation New Zealand, LandWISE and a member of the Process Vegetables Sector committee.

Farmer of the Year Awards Judge Peter Keeling noted the level of innovation across all aspects of the Ritchies’ business, including irrigation. He said, “The fact Hugh referred to the buyers of his products as clients was telling, and they had some very clear and written business goals.”

The organisers stated: “This is a large-scale business both in livestock and cropping using the very latest technology to make efficiency gains in production and optimise profitability with the better land competing with dairy returns. All this is achieved with a strong focus on sustainable farming and a passion for the environment and his soils”.

We congratulate Hugh and Sharon for this well deserved award.

Other winners on the night were:

  • Hugh and Di McBain, who farm 300ha, won the Pan Pac Hawke’s Bay Farm Forester of the Year award for outstanding planting since 1974. (Hugh and Di are neighbours of Hugh and Sharon – well done Otane!)
  • Mike Barham won the Laurie Dowling Memorial Award for five years of work with the East Coast Rural Support Trust that covered droughts, floods, and a weather bomb.
  • Lincoln University student Patrick Crawshaw won a $3000 scholarship from Lawson Robinson.

A field day will be held at the Ritchies’ farm on 8 May 2014.

Sweetcorn Harvested



Many thanks to McCain Foods, Te Mata Contractors, Apatu Farms and Heinz-Watties for help harvesting our corn crop.

Given the wet week we were pleased to have a break in the weather and fortunate the soil was not excessively wet. Gross weight out was around 20 t/ha which, given we suffered a fair bit from drought stress is pleasing.

Ben Watson and Dan Bloomer took crop samples from both Paddocks (3 & 4) and from drip irrigated, spray irrigated and non-irrigated zones. We’ll be interested to see the results.

Next activity is a full deep ripping to at least 600mm to try and address the deep compaction we have identified. Regional Council soil health sampling, HydroServices data and our own digging shows a legacy from previous land use remains – despite seven years of pasture phase and minimal traffic. We have ripped before, but only to about 300 – 400mm.

After that we’ll be establishing our winter crops – selected from onions, oats and mustard cover crops.

Playing with Peas

At the LandWISE MicroFarm, we are scoping the use of plant growth regulators to lift yields of peas for processing.

In our region, peas are produced for the global market, and the global price sets the local price. You’ll struggle to find a farmer that says the pay-out is generous. We could focus on increasing the price by $5 a tonne or even $50 a tonne. But that will make us uncompetitive. 

So how can we make it a profitable crop?

We could cut costs, though there is little left to remove. Peas don’t usually get fertiliser or slug bait, insecticides or disease sprays. Most get little or no cultivation. They do get herbicide treatment, but many chemicals are relatively cheap.

What’s left?

“Yield is king!” say LandWISE farmers. 

The yields of many crops have increased enormously over the last twenty years.  Pea yields have not, and are highly variable and unpredictable.  Even in good looking crops, yield can be disappointing.

As with any one pass harvest fresh vegetable crop, top yields need good plant, pod and seed numbers, all ready for harvest at the same time. Sometimes parts of a paddock are behind, sometimes parts of plants are left behind.

If part of a paddock matures differently, it is often because the plants emerged at different times. The cause may be soil moisture or temperature differences. Maybe it is compaction related.

If some plants mature at different rates it may be sowing or soil conditions causing uneven emergence.

If some pods mature at different times, maybe flowering was prolonged. If we condense flowering, all the plant’s resources go into peas that get harvested.

Farmers have noted drought-stressed crops can out-yield more vigorous ones. The stressed plants seem to have flowering curtailed, while vigorous ones continue flowering and have late pods and peas that will not be mature at harvest.

The MicroFarm group is looking at plant growth regulators to condense flowering and therefore the harvestable proportion of the crop.

Plant growth regulators control things such as shoot and root growth, internode length, flowering, fruit set and ripening. They are widely used in horticulture and have been used to manipulate flowering times.

We are applying a few options that have shown to have effect elsewhere. It is a first look to see if this is something worth researching further.

Our Discussion Group members’ experience has been brought together to formulate our “grand plan”.

Five different PGR products are being applied to the crop at different growth stages. The PGR’s include gibberellic acid, anti-gibberellin (Cycocel 750, Regalis), cytokinin (Exilis) and anti-ethylene (ReTain). These are potentially potent materials: one of our treatments is 8 grams per hectare.

The treatments are being applied in 3m x 10m strips, but are not being replicated in this initial scoping study. We do however have two sowings so we will get a couple of chances to compare. We will observe effects and yields. If we see evidence of a benefit, we will do a more detailed study.

Gibberellic acid was applied when peas were 10-15cm high. A rapid lengthening and yellowing of treated plants was quickly seen. The yellowing has reduced in time, but the plants are still double the height of their untreated neighbours.

But it is flowering we are interested in and that is still just around the corner. We have noted two flowers in one treated plant, and none elsewhere in the paddock.

The next set of treatments was applied about 10 days before anticipated flowering date. We are watching things closely.

Many thanks to the people involved in formulating the plan, and now implementing it: Plant Growth Regulators were supplied by BASF Crop Protection, Agronica and Fruitfed Supplies. Treatments were applied by Peracto. Plant & Food are monitoring the effects.


A report of results of the season’s PGR trials is posted on the MicroFarm website.

MicroFarm Open Day 3-5pm 2 April 2014

Ballance web150  BASF web  CLAW-light-150

The second MicroFarm Open Day date will focus on beans, sweetcorn and water management.

Bean planting P6 Airey 3 web

Bean planting – Richard Airey picture

The green beans are destined for McCain Foods Hastings plant. The four micropaddocks include demonstrations of:

  • Two row spacings 20″ and 15″
  • Four plant populations
  • Different varieties
  • Drip vs spray irrigation
  • Phosphorus: non vs normal vs double rate
  • Herbicide management variations

Sweetcorn demonstrations

  • Strip-till
  • No irrigation
  • Drip irrigation
  • Very late spray irrigation

Irrigation discussion

  • Soil monitoring records from 2013-2014 crops
  • Where crops are getting water from
  • Impact of drought stress
  • Cost of drought stress

More details on the MicroFarm website

Many thanks to:

Ballance AgriNutrients, BASF Crop Protection, Centre for Land and Water, ThinkWater, Netafim, HydroServices, McCain Foods, FruitFed Supplies, Agronica NZ, Nicolle Contracting, Te Mata Contractors, Drumpeel Farms, Agnew Hort, Greville Ground Spraying, True Earth Organics, Tasman Harvesting, Plant & Food Research and Peracto Research for support with this work.

Irrigation NZ Conference

INZ2014The biennial Irrigation New Zealand Conference will be held in Napier on 7-9 April 2014. This is a major event for farmers and industry with a number of high profile speakers from around the world. Details at http://irrigationnz.co.nz/events-and-training/irrigation-securing-the-next-generation-s-future/

Monday 7 April includes optional bus tours, one of irrigation on the Heretaunga Plains and one to visit the proposed Ruataniwha Irrigation Scheme and site of the water storage dam. From 2pm the trade show is open to view the latest and greatest opportunities and technologies.

Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 April are based at the Museum/Theatre/Gallery and War Memorial Conference Centre on Napier’s Marine Parade.


  • Rod Oram discuss Irrigation – securing the next generation’s future
  • About the catalyst for and execution of Hawke’s Bay Ruataniwha water storage project
  • If government policy is helping or hindering
  • Technology updates
  • Good practice expectations
  • and lots more


Promoting sustainable production