LandWISE News April 10 2012

LandWISE 2012 – 10th Annual Conference

Put 22, 23 and 24 May 2012 in your diary for the 10th Annual LandWISE Conference.

The title is Site Specific Management: growing within limits. We are looking at the changing requirements for farming, in particular the increasing need to demonstrate that farming has minimal environmental impact. Look for a focus on soil water management, irrigation, monitoring and drainage.

For the first time we also have a day focused on Smart Viticulture. This builds on current LandWISE work with local viticulturists investigating the benefits, costs and logistics of applying zone management using precision viticulture techniques.

  • People with viticulture interests will find Day 1 extremely useful. They will also see there are great presentations on the other days.
  • LandWISE traditionalists be assured; Days 2 and 3 follow the usual pattern. But do have a look at the Day 1 programme – you’ll find a lot there that can give you completely new ideas.

The draft programme and more details are available here . This page will be updated as conference draws nearer, and you’ll receive direct messages too.

Conference Speakers

We are extremely pleased to have support of a number of excellent speakers – returning and new. Here are a few to start the list:

  • Rob Bramley CSIRO Adelaide
  • Tim Neale
  • Craig Ross Landcare Research
  • James Peck PX Farms, UK
  • Alistair Bisley Land and Water Forum
  • Caine Thompson Mission Estate
  • Mark Krasnow Eastern Institute of Technology – Viticulture
  • Graeme Cox OptiSurface, Australia

More soon . . .

Conference Registration

Conference registration is available on the LandWISE website, click here>. As usual, discounted rates for members.

Conference Platinum Sponsors


We are very pleased to announce CASE IH has joined Eastern Institute of Technology as a Platinum Sponsor for Conference 2012. Case IH has been a willing LandWISE supporter in the past and their continued support is appreciated. Ivan Wilbore and colleagues will be about during the conference and at the field session for those wanting to catch up about Case IH products.

Conference Gold Sponsors

A number of organisations have taken up Gold Sponsorships. We are grateful to returning sponsors Trimble GPS Control Systems, AgriTurf John Deere, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Product groups of Horticulture NZ. We are pleased to welcome a new sponsor, GPS-It.

Secondary School Students

Apatu Farms is sponsoring two Lindisfarne student conference attendances again this year. They are joined by WaterForce who are also sponsoring two school student attendances which are yet to be allocated. EIT is supporting some of their viticulture students to the Viticulture day.

LandWISE believes giving top students the opportunity to see farming at its best is one of the best ways to attract top people into the sector. Anyone else who wants to sponsor either secondary or tertiary students please contact us or talk to us at 06 650 4531.

LandWISE News March 2012

LandWISE 2012 – 10th Annual Conference May 2012

Put the 22, 23 and 24 May 2012 in your diary for the 10th Annual LandWISE Conference.

The title is Site Specific Management: growing within limits. We are looking at the changing requirements for farming, in particular the increasing need to demonstrate that farming has minimal environmental impact. Look for a focus on soil water management, irrigation, monitoring and drainage.

For the first time we also have a day focused on Smart Viticulture. This builds on current LandWISE work with local viticulturists investigating the benefits, costs and logistics of applying zonal management using precsion viticulture techniques.

  • People with viticulture interests will find Day 1 extremely useful. They will also see there are great presentations on the other days.
  • LandWISE traditionalists be assured; Days 2 and 3 follow the usual pattern. But do have a look at the Day 1 programme – you’ll find a lot there that can give you completely new ideas.

The draft programme and more details are available here This page will be updated as conference draws nearer, and you’ll receive direct messages too.

Conference registration is available on-line. As usual, discounted rates for members.

Conference Platinum Sponsor

We are very pleased to announce Eastern Institute of Technology as a new Platinum Sponsor for Conference 2012. There are strong cross-overs between an institute such as this and LandWISE with our focus on upskilling for the primary industry sectors.

EIT has a very strong viticulture and wine programme, and is also active in agriculture and horticulture in Hawke’s Bay and the East Coast/Tairawhiti.

Key Speakers

We are also delighted that Rob Bramley from CSIRO in Adelaide will be one of our key presenters. Rob is well known for his precision viticulture work, but is also very experienced in broadacre crops.

Tom Botterill from the Geospatial Research Centre at the University of Canterbury will talk about machine vision and robot pruning. More announcements coming soon . . .


Driverless Tractor

LandWISE Member Matt Flowerday from GPS-It sent a link to this site for a new driverless tractor.

A few of you have expressed interest in autonomous tractors – so with a favourable exchange rate and a $US 150,000 price tag, here’s your chance.

It’s interesting for a few reasons:

  • The 225 kW tractor can be controlled in real-time from a base station with a remote control device that can be up to 40 km away. The master base station can handle up to 16 operating tractors at one time.
  • Hew can couple units together for more power, like train locomotives
  • It uses twin laser unit called LIPS (Laser Imaging Position System) rather than GPS (we need to learn more about LIPS)
  • Power is diesel electric with a 15 to 25% better fuel economy than conventional systems

Australian Conferences

Dan attended the SPAA Precision Agriculture Australia Expo in Port Lincoln, South Australia and the Conference in Maroochydor, Queensland in February.
Speakers discussed nutrient tests we don’t use, plants we seldom grow, pests, diseases and weeds that remain thankfully foreign, and yields most New Zealand farmers would consider disastrous. They talked of soil electromagnetic sensors, pH sensors, biomass sensors, protein sensors, animal trackers and robots. Of precision farming in Canada, Scotland, England, New Zealand, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

The messages were strikingly familiar. In essence; know and look after your soil, monitor your crop, and apply inputs where they give the best returns.
At both events, the farm was the focus; the technologies merely tools to help manage better. Much, much better.

A couple of areas to watch:

  • UAV proliferation. There are more and more self-flying ‘toy’ planes and helicopters suited to crop inspection tasks. With increasingly light and quality cameras, and return to base GPS guidance they have great potential. There are a few issues yet with processing the data, and like all sensor things, ground trothing is still needed.
  • RFID Tags. The advances in electronic tagging have been very fast, and new applications are only now being realised. With new technologies, the range of some devices has become quite extraordinary, offering ability to track items or animals at increasing distances. Cheaply.

A Guide to Smart Farming

Our Guide to Smart Farming book has been the subject of tremendous acclaim from farmers, industry, researchers and teaching staff in New Zealand and overseas. Thanks for the feedback!

About 7,000 copies were printed, and we’ve only 300 left in stock, so that’s a lot that are out there and, from what we hear, being read.

Purchasing copies:

A Guide to Smart Farming was distributed free to people in the LandWISE Community. Extra copies are available through TradeMe at $29.90 plus post including GST. Search TradeMe guide smart farming and it will pop up.

See the Table of Contents here>

Guide to Smart Farming well received

A Guide to Smart Farming was published in December 2011. It was widely distributed in January 2012 with complimentary copies sent to LandWISE members, Rural Contractors , Foundation for Arable Research and Horticulture New Zealand levy payers. To date over 6,000 copies have been delivered and feed back has been extremely positive.

A Guide to Smart Farming contains a wealth of information, including case studies of farmers using new technologies, and expert articles explaining how the technologies work.

“New Zealand has a unique ability to supply quality produce to a rapidly increasing global market,” says Hew Dalrymple. “But to do so sustainably requires new approaches to farming and new skills for those on the land.”

The book encapsulates learning which is the result of many years’ collaboration, especially between LandWISE, the Foundation for Arable Research, Horticulture New Zealand, and Plant & Food Research. At its core are Sustainable Farming fund projects, Advanced Cropping Systems and Holding it Together.

View the Table of Contents here>

With orders now coming from across New Zealand and Australia, as well as the United Kingdom and Brasil, we’ve set up on-line shopping. Those in New Zealand and Australia will find the esiest way to purchase is via TradeMe. Search for “guide smart farming” and you’ll get to the auction page. The buy now price is $29-90 plus post. Others should contact us at LandWISE

Those who have already read the book are invited to post comment here.

Can NZ arable farmers profitably adopt GPS guidance Technology?

Peter Mitchell from Oamaru completed the Kellogg Rural Leadership programme on 2009. As part of his work he asked the question, “Can New Zealand arable growers profitiably adopt GPS guidance technology?”

Peter has given permission for his report to be published on the LandWISE website. It is a good and enlightening read.

You can view a pdf version of Peter’s report here> Can NZ arable farmers profitably adopt GPS guidance technology?

We welcome your feedback!

Smart Farming the Game to be in

This article first appeared in The GROWER magazine in December 2011

Dan Bloomer, LandWISE

A Guide to Smart Farming

“New Zealand has a unique ability to supply quality produce to a rapidly increasing global market,” says Hew Dalrymple. “But to do so sustainably requires new approaches to farming and new skills for those on the land.”

A book published in December contains a wealth of information that will help. A Guide to Smart Farming has case studies of farmers using new technologies, and expert articles explaining how the technologies work.

The book encapsulates learning which is the result of many years’ collaboration, especially between LandWISE, the Foundation for Arable Research, Horticulture New Zealand, and Plant & Food Research. At its core are Sustainable Farming fund projects, Advanced Cropping Systems and Holding it Together.

View the Table of Contents here>

Advanced Cropping Systems

Advanced Cropping Systems followed twelve farmers assessing precision farming technology. Perhaps not surprisingly, the focus for some shifted in the three years of the project.

FAR’s Tracey Wylie worked with Tim Macfarlane mapping weed infestations with a canopy sensor. Their weed map did not correlate very well with the weed problem, but a soil map did.  As Tracey and Tim say, “We need to take all the information we have into account, we can’t assume a single tool will tell us what we want to know.”

Travis and Nigel Sue fitted RTK-GPS and autosteer for their fresh vegetable operation. Now the rows are dead straight and perfectly spaced every time. They have labour and input savings, and no land is wasted. “We should have had it years ago,” they say.

A half-paddock trial of permanent beds for onions, potatoes and cereals at A.S Wilcox and Sons controlled traffic on the paddock and saved soil, oil and toil. Already expanded to 40ha, they are now focused on rolling the new system out across the business.

Hugh Ritchie wants easy data transfer between GPS devices and computer programmes to avoid double and triple data entry, avoid errors, and increase efficiency. Unfortunately a solution does not look imminent! Sjaak Wolfert is leading a major EU project on this topic. “This is a global problem. There is no single standard for data exchange in agriculture, and manufacturers are slow to use those that are available,” Sjaak says.

In partnership with Keith Nicoll, Hugh has made major advances with precision drainage installing plastic pipe with a gravel envelope. The equipment maps the paddock using RTK-GPS, calculates the drain gradients, and controls the laying machinery automatically, removing costs from the operation.

Holding it Together

Holding it Together focused on retaining soil and soil quality. Plant & Food scientist Paul Johnstone led the Fresh Vegetable Product Group, Potatoes New Zealand, LandWISE project. “There are many practical things we can do to look after this key resource,” he says.

Scott Lawson is one of several crop farmers using furrow dyking in their wheel tracks. “It is normal practice for us now,” he says. “We were getting crop loss after rain or irrigation when water ran along wheel tracks and drowned out crop. The furrow dyker keeps the water where it lands while it soaks in.”

Antonia Glaria worked with Paul on a range of cover crop options for fresh vegetable growers. They found maize could recapture lost nutrients including nitrogen. “We’ve studied maize in a number of situations,” says Paul. “It is a very deep rooted crop, and a great scavenger of nutrients. In some cases, all the nutrients needed can be obtained from deep in the soil – nutrients that would otherwise leach and cause problems down the track.”

A Guide to Smart Farming is a great publication,” says Hew Dalrymple. “Every cropping farmer should get a copy and read it. It will help them maximise opportunities and make sure our land and water is in the best condition for the next generation.”


Copies of the book A Guide to Smart Farming are available from LandWISE for $NZ 29-95 plus postage: Click here or contact us via

New Zealand and Australian residents can order copies and pay on-line by credit card via TradeMe. Search for Guide to Smart Farming


Please feel free to post feedback – does the book give good information? What could be added or updated?


What is LandWISE and what does it do?

As published in Grower November 2011

James Powrie and Dan Bloomer LandWISE Inc.

History of LandWISE

LandWISE was formed in 1999 in Hawke’s Bay, because farmers and the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council saw a need for improved soil conservation.  Since then we have become involved in precision agriculture as a means to better care of soil and water, and for more profitable and sustainable farming.  We have worked with farmers and others over much of New Zealand.

Today LandWISE is a sustainable cropping group of about 600 farmers, supporters and researchers from around NZ and the world.  It is a meeting place for those who want to continue to push back boundaries and improve their farming business with technology.  LandWISE aims for real gains from innovation. We conduct on-farm research, host field events and an annual conference.

Trends toward better cropping – GPS guidance and controlled traffic farming (CTF)

Growers sometimes continue with poor practices out of habit. It is not always easy for them to see where they are losing soil quality and money, but the search is always worth it. The more aware growers are always looking to improve their operations.  This leads us into technologies that can help.

GPS guidance gives the opportunity for farmers to avoid overlaps or misses in their operations.  This means less waste of “soil, oil and toil”.  Cost and time savings of more around 10% are common from these field efficiencies alone.  Also less land is wasted when rows are neatly laid out using GPS.

Using GPS guidance has many other advantages which may surprise growers who invest.  Freedom from concentrating on driving straight means less fatigue and operators can then use a phone, arrange other jobs, even use a laptop in the cab.  Also, they are able to devote more attention to the implement, which is where the money is made or lost.

Controlled traffic farming is also finding favour across many crop types in New Zealand. RTK GPS and auto-steering allows the same wheel tracks to be used again, pass after pass, saving fuel and reducing tracked area in the paddock.

Remedial tillage never restores soil to where it was and it is very expensive, so using controlled traffic to reduce compaction can pay off very quickly.

Many tractors you see in paddocks are either wasting energy or working against the effort invested in earlier operations.  Make sure yours aren’t!

Ask yourself: Can I align wheel widths and implement spacings to traffic less soil?

LandWISE Protocols for GPS guidance

When setting up GPS guidance and using it on your farm, there are some essential steps for success.  LandWISE farmers found this out the hard way, and so the Protocols for GPS Guidance were established. Because farmers helped to put them together, they have been tested again and again.

The latest version of the “Protocols for GPS Guidance” is on the LandWISE website in the resources section. It includes recommendations and check lists to help avoid the pain others experienced.

Recommendations include:

  • Have a list of paddock names so they are spelt the same way every time.
  • Have a set format for labeling AB lines so they are retrievable. You use them again, so that other operations match as planned.
  • Measure and match implement details to those in the GPS, so that there will be no gaps and no overlaps
  • Redo calibrations if the GPS is moved between tractors and when implements are changed.

The checklists include step by step instructions to make sure things are not forgotten. Even experienced operators find them useful, especially at the start of a new season.

LandWISE and you

LandWISE seeks the support of good science, and then communicates learnings from science back to farmers in a way they can relate to.  This ensures that problem solving between farmers and others is as smooth as it can be. We treat both successes and failures as opportunities to share information.  Our events and membership keep growing.  We would be happy to have you as a member too.

If you would like to know more about LandWISE, our conference, events, publications, or to become a member, visit

Smart Spraying in Hawke’s Bay

James Powrie and Dan Bloomer, LandWISE Inc.

As published in Grower October 2011

A Hawke’s Bay crop farming company wanted spraying done quicker.  Managers also wanted to know agrichemicals were applied in the right place and not wasted.

The farmers liked machines AgTech’s Matt Gordon had built, so got him involved.

Matt says, “Reducing spraying errors and improved application quality put money in the bank for these farmers.”

“They have a big programme spread around Hawke’s Bay and their people put in a big season.  Equipment has to be reliable, comfortable and fast on the road.”   Driver comfort, air suspension and airbag suspension were all on the shopping list.

Matt provided a Multidrive 6195 with a 320 litre/min pump and four-wheel steering.  With four-wheel drive, diff lock and air drive it is designed to get maximum hp on the ground and it hasn’t been stuck yet.

The sprayer holds 4000 litres of mixed spray, and another 400 litres of fresh water for flushing the machine.

The farmers also chose auto-steer and sectional control using Trimble FMX. The GPS monitor in the cab displays spray coverage as the paddock is sprayed, reducing the chance of missed or doubled-up runs.  A Hardy HC5500 auto-rate spray controller adjusts for variation in vehicle speed.

This combination of brands duplicated successful overseas installations. This mix makes the machine unique but parts are readily available so any downtime is minimised.

The 21-m air boom has an air-rail carrying nozzles, allowing for adjustment of nozzle angle from 40 degrees backwards and 30 degrees forwards.  This helps control drift, and lays the plant canopy over for best spray coverage.

Seven individually controlled sections further reduce overlap.  Sections automatically turn off in areas previously sprayed such as headland turns and point rowsand  to avoid spraying waterways, troughs or tracks, then on again to cover unsprayed crop.   The outer sections, where most variation occurs, are slightly shorter.   Individual nozzle control is an option and a possible later upgrade.

The technology improves efficiency by reducing the amount of chemical, water, time and fuel used.

It works because the GPS knows the position of each part of a spray boom, controls whether the section is on or off.

Saving money, time and improving yields mean this technology has to be a winner.   “We work to build machines which are as efficient as possible.  This machine does a very good job and gets the area done fast,” says Matt.

Precision Drain Laying using GPS

James Powrie and Dan Bloomer – LandWISE Inc

As publised in Grower September 2011

Keith Nicoll and Hugh Ritchie put their heads together to produce a fast and highly accurate drain laying solution.

Through a chance conversation, Keith learned that Hugh wanted a mole plough to lay drain-pipe. Hugh learned that Keith already had one at his yard. Keith had built a prototype tine for laying pipe and shingle, which worked but lacked strength for deeper drains.

Keith and Hugh combined forces and made the machine stronger, able to lay 110mm plastic drainage pipe 1.2 metres deep.  The tractor-drawn drain-layer’s wheels are hydraulically driven to provide extra traction.

What makes the new machine extra-special is the addition of precision technologies. High accuracy GPS maps farm terrain in 3D, special software determines optimum drain gradients on the fly, and guidance ensures pipe is laid to exact depth. And of course, there’s a record of exactly where it is for future reference!

Wade Riley installed Trimble’s “Field Level” software in the FMX in Hugh’s JD 8520 tractor.  Designed with assistance from drainage contractors in US and UK, “Field Level” is the key to the process, Wade says. The software surveys the paddock as the tractor drives along the planned line for the next drain, the GPS measuring surface elevation to an accuracy of +/-2 centimetres. “Field Level” calculates the optimum design to fit the desired slope from the top end of the drain to the outlet. Guidance puts the tine foot in the right place.

Laser guided pipe-laying uses a single plane based on an average grade for the desired section. Every change in grade requires a new laser set-up.  “Field Level” designs a change in grade where necessary, and no extra set-up is needed.  This is very valuable when the surface grade is variable because it allows more consistent depth of pipe-laying across a paddock.  This allows more effective drainage.

In practice, drain pipe is laid alongside the planned drain and fed into the pipe-laying shank on the machine.  The depth of the shank is automatically controlled according to the design saved in the on‑board computer.  Pitch control allows the mole-plough tine to be angled, reducing stress on the machine.

Keith and Hugh are laying pipe at up to 1 km per hour.  To date this is limited by the ability to keep shingle supplied.  The drain-layer has its own hopper that holds enough shingle for 200 m of pipe.  When a towed hopper is added to the system, shingle will be supplied faster, and the work rate is likely to improve dramatically.

The machine was used to lay new drain pipe in one of Hugh’s wetter paddocks in PakiPaki in Hawke’s Bay.  Hugh is delighted.  Water flowed strongly from the pipes, some for a week after installation.  “I now have a quick and cost effective solution to drainage and I know the pipe has been precisely laid to the correct depth and grade,” says Hugh.  “From now on, planting won’t be delayed or crops affected by big puddles in those lower areas.  We expect fewer stuck tractors, even crops, and more yield.

Visit to learn more about our events, precision farming and taking better care of soil and water.

Unexpected benefits from GPS Guidance

As published in Grower August 2011

James Powrie and Dan Bloomer – LandWISE Inc.

“My time in the cab is worth more since I fitted a self steering system”, says Randal Hanrahan. He runs a mixed arable, vegetable and beef operation and a contracting business in Ashburton. His time is precious, especially during planting and harvest. “I can do admin and calls during the day, while the tractor keeps driving itself straight. It is like giving myself a pay rise while I am on the tractor. Self steering also means I can keep a close eye on what is happening behind the machine – and that is where the money is made and lost”.

“A backpacker drove straighter with GPS than an old hand without it”, says Bruce Graham from Gisborne. Bruce spent twenty minutes teaching a Danish visitor to drive the tractor with GPS and left them to it. Predictably, the results were bullet straight. GPS means no overlap, less wasted seed, fuel, time and wear and tear in Bruce’s squash and maize. “We originally bought a lightbar but that meant I was still watching out the front of the tractor and could not pay full attention to the implement. Getting RTK with autosteer gave us the biggest gains in precision, work, quality and speed”.

Brothers Andrew and Peter Gilchrist are using RTK GPS in their contract spraying and seeding operation in Canterbury. “Being able to get through jobs efficiently is a big benefit of GPS, especially when a busy season means everybody wants the gear at once. It is better for us and it means better service for the client. Our drivers are less tired at the end of the day, and the next day too”, says Andrew. “Also the second time we are in a paddock, the self steering puts us on exactly the same tramlines. This means better access sooner after rain and less damaged crop”.

You have probably heard that GPS in your tractor or sprayer will make things go much better in the paddock. The unexpected benefits include getting more jobs done while in the cab, getting through work quicker, and less fatigue and a better mood at the end of the day. This means GPS in your tractor can make things better at home too. More than one farmer’s partner has said, “He’s not such a grumpy so ‘n’ so when he gets in a night!” Farmers and contractors who aim to enjoy life more, and operate more profitably and sustainably, can meet others at LandWISE events and conferences. Visit

Assess impact of cropping systems: a simple calculator

To help you consider the impact of alternative cropping systems, we’ve put together a simple spreadsheet calculator. You are welcome to download it here> LandWISE Cropping Impact Estimator.

The calculator flows from our work on precision farming and the benefits achievable from controlled traffic farming or permanent bed cropping systems. Up to threee scenarios can be compared. The calculator is intended to help you consider the savings possible from alternative cropping system strategies, especially changing cultivation practices.

Farmers we work with are saving as much as half their fuel, machinery and labour costs. By not driving on the “garden”, and not ripping up the “tracks”, their cultivation is drastically reduced – the heavy work is just not needed.

The calculator is prefilled with some suggested values for fuel and labour use of different farming operations. You can choose your own operations and use your own fuel use values. Just put in the best numbers you can! It determines CO2 emissions from fuel consumption using a standard CO2-e value for New Zealand diesel.

We put in a sheet to calculate carbon equivalent emissions from fertilisers. We’ve suggested some New Zealand CO2-e values for main fertilisers. These are based on a paper by Stewart Ledgard and colleagues, “Life Cycle Assessment of Local and Imported Fertilisers Used on New Zealand Farms”.

Changing your cultivation might not indicate a change in fertiliser use. But when farmers move to GPS guidance, and especially to controlled traffic or permanent beds, they save about 10% or so of inputs such as fertiliser and agrichemicals. This is achieved just by avoiding overlaps.

A summary sheet draws the results from your scenarios together and shows how much fuel, fertiliser, labour and money can be saved by changing your practices.

Download the calculator, have a play, and post a comment!

Promoting sustainable production