LandWISE Gisborne Field Walk

On 1 December about 20 visitors walked the paddocks at Opou Station, Manutuke, near Gisborne.

This field walk was courtesy of David Clark and gave local farmers and industry people a chance to view his Precision Agriculture program in maize. 8 seasons of controlled traffic have benefited soil structure, biology and profitability at this site, along with a 50% reduction in fuel use. Fuel savings are due to the heavy cultivation operations becoming redundant after wheel traffic was isolated to permanent tracks using GPS.

David and Stuart Briant spoke about their adoption of GPS to control traffic and reduce overlap in their mixed cropping and specialized seed growing operation. They have passed the teething stage and are seeing benefits in efficiency and operator comfort.

Thanks to Clark Farming and F&D Briant for their support of LandWISE and this event.
For further information: Call James on 06 6504531 or 0272 757757, email or see for updates.

Foundation for Arable Research Combinable Crops

On 3 December 2009 FAR held their Combinable Crops Field Day at their arable trial site in Chertsey in Canterbury.
420 attended and saw presentations on technology, cropping, water and Precision Ag.
Speakers included Carolyn Hedley from Landcare Research on Precision Irrigation, Ian Yule from NZ Centre for Precision Ag, along with FAR presenters, Andrew Curtis from Irrigation NZ, researchers and farmers.

James Powrie and Dan Bloomer, spoke on the Advanced Farming Systems project and strip tillage.
Jim Wilson, Precision Ag specialist and arable farmer from UK was the keynote speaker, on crop sensing, zonal management and variable rate and his presentation is here as a separate posting.

Thanks to FAR for the high quality of this event and for assembling an audience who are showing more and more interest in Precision Ag.
For further information: Call James on 06 6504531 or 0272 757757, email or see for updates.

Precision Ag field day, courtesy of Craige and Ros Mackenzie, Methven

On 4 December FAR and LandWISE hosted a field walk at the farm of Craige and Ros Mackenzie in Methven. Jim Wilson spoke on Precision Ag and Crop sensors and the application of this technology in his native Scotland.

The session was a general exploration of what Craige has been doing with PA. A demonstration was given of the Weedseeker sensor. This involved a spray boom mounted on a quad and successful spraying of weeds laid out on the yard, after each sensor tripped its adjacent nozzle.

Craige then showed the group some crop sensor trial work he has done with the variable rate application of growth regulants and fungicides to good effect.

Craige has been sufficiently convinced in the value of crop sensors that he has established a Precision Ag equipment company called Agri Optics in partnership with his daughter Jemma. They will supply Weedseeker and Greenseeker products to NZ farmers.

Thanks to Agri Optics, Craige and Ros Mackenzie and FAR for hosting this event.
For further information: Call James on 06 6504531 or 0272 757757, email or see for updates.

FAR and LandWISE Precision Ag field day at Lawson’s Organic Farms in Hastings

On 8 December FAR and LandWISE co-hosted a Precision Agriculture and Advanced Farming Systems session at the Centre for Land and Water. Jim Wilson from Soil Essentials in the UK, gave a presentation on crop sensors and variable rate management to a group of 28 farmers and industry representatives.
Case IH sponsored lunch for the group at the Centre for Land and Water.

After lunch the group reconvened at Lawson’s Organic Farms to view Scott Lawson’s high tech organic operation in Ngatarawa road. Scott is using GPS to guide his cultivation in a seasonal controlled traffic operation in fresh and process vegetables.

Thanks to CASE IH, FAR for support of this event and True Earth Organics for hosting the field walk.

For further information: Call James on 06 6504531 or 0272 757757, email or see for updates.

Jim Wilson Speaks at the Foundation for Arable Research Combinable Crops Day

Jim Wilson is a farmer and also runs Soil Essentials, which is a Precision Ag and agronomy consulting company in Scotland. He came to NZ this month to speak at FAR Combinable Crops day and has been hosted by FAR and LandWISE to speak at numerous field walks and events while here.

The FAR Combinable Crops day is an annual event, and is a great place for Arable farmers to catch up on new technology and research in agronomy. Over 420 people attended the event at Chertsey this year, which is a new record.

Jim’s take home message was simple:

“Precision Agriculture (PA) is common sense.  Fields and crops are variable, yet we tend to ignore this when managing them.  I first got interested in the early 90’s when harvesting a field of spring barley.   The yield could change from 3 tonnes/ha to 10 tonnes/ha within 20 metres.  As it had cost the same to grow the low yielding as the high yielding area, I was losing money on the low area.  How can we change this?”

Jim spoke about how fields are variable and crops are variable and yet we treat them with blanket prescriptions of fertiliser and agrichemicals. This means we are losing money and wasting inputs on low yielding areas.

Low yielding areas cost the same to grow as high yielding ones. The other side of this is that we are under applying on the high yielding areas.

Some variability is inherent (e.g, variable depths of subsoil and topspoil) and some is man-made (like heavily fertilised areas where the truck is loaded, where mistakes are made or the where last part load is repeatedly spread in a paddock). In areas where crops grow better year after year, they remove more nutrient.

Poor yielding areas can lead to surpluses of unused nutrients in the soil. These can lead to problems in some cases. In all cases the surpluses represent waste. In high yielding areas removals can lead to a deficiency and if can lead to the nutrient in question becoming a limiting factor. This can lead to high yielding areas becoming low yielding areas.

These effects can add to the variability, and result in lower average yields per unit of input. Precision Agriculture offers some new options and Jim explained how we can use our eyes and other tools to create zonal management to address this variability. When we address variability with Precision Agriculture, we make improvements into the future.

Yield mapping

This is an excellent tool to quantify and locate limiting factors in your crops. Yield maps are useful for strategy, especially when multiple years are layered together. Their limitation is that they give you information too late for the crop they represent. Yield maps are excellent when reviewing what works or doesn’t work on your land.

Soil sampling

This can be used as an aid to finding limiting factors.  A basic strategy is to sample known high and low yielding areas. If you find significant variation between these you may choose to sample on a grid and then use the resulting map to program variable rate fertilising. A start point may be to split each field according to old field boundaries then split each into low medium and high yielding areas for sampling.

Soil EM mapping

Soil EM sensing such as EM38, measures the apparent electrical conductivity of soil. This is influenced by the amount of salt, water or clay in the soil. To achieve the most robust picture of soil texture (and likely water holding capacity) an EM survey is best conducted with the soil at or near field capacity. The EM map can then be used as a basis for placing soil moisture probes and for scheduling variable rate irrigation.

So What can I do once I find poor yielding areas?

Variable rate lime can be applied according to sampled ’tiles’. Jim uses a 50 by 50m grid with a number of samples aggregated from each ‘tile’ in the grid.

P and K variable rate applications can be designed by calculating offtakes from yield maps. Where high soil levels occur, an option is to apply none in that year.

Seed can be variably sown if soil moisture, or pests such as slugs are a problem. This has been found to dramatically increase yields for little cost.

These responses to poor yielding areas can correct variability. In some situations, causes can not be found or are too expensive to correct. In these cases a choice has to be made, either to stop farming these areas, to grow a different crop there, or to reduce the growing costs and bring them back into profit.

What about crop sensors?

Because the tools described above are based largely on crop history, the arrival of crop sensors brings some exciting options. Each plant becomes an indicator of present soil, water and nutrient conditions. The various sensors use a combination of visible and near infra red light. The use of the NIR band means that problems can be seen 7 to 10 days before they are visible to the eye.

A common index called NDVI (normalised distribution vegetation index) is calculated from the difference between red and near infrared bands.  Sensors can be fitted to machinery and gather NDVI data with each pass over the crop and this allows comparison with other maps to record changes during a crop cycle. This is known as scouting.

Before using sensors for making decisions about N applications, it is important to eliminate other limiting factors. If N is not the limiting factor, overapplication can result. This is a waste of money and can lead to increased risk of leaching.

In the UK, variable rate Nitrogen applications have been found to return 25-35 UK pounds per hectare. Another benefit is that crops are much more even and less prone to lodging, which makes harvesting quicker.


Jim suggests you approach Precision Agriculture in a structured, planned way.

  • Check that you have enough variability to justify the time and money you will spend.
  • Identify and correct as many growth and yield limiting factors as possible, using your eyes, agronomy and other tools available to you.
  • Target your biggest costs first.
  • Reduce crop growing costs in remaining low yield areas.

Once you have the main limiting factors corrected, look at using real time sensors for crop scouting and for programming variable rate nitrogen applications.

For more on this topic and Jim’s services visit, also have a look at the LandWISE website or for Australian work on the subject, see

Guest Post: Dr. Craig Ross on Levelling Sand Dunes To Improve Crop And Irrigation Performance

By Dr Craig Ross, Landcare Research, Palmerston North

These are my observations on re-contouring sand dunes to improve crop and irrigation management on the sand dune country of the Dalrymples’ Waitatapia Station, Bulls.

Hew and Roger Dalrymple have recently started levelling low sand dunes for farm improvement. Paddocks in sand dune country have very variable soil patterns, with generally shallow topsoils over raw sands on the upper parts of the dunes, deeper topsoils on the lower dune slopes, and often peaty soils, sometimes with underlying iron pans and silty layering in the inter-dunal hollows. The aim of re-contouring is to even out the soil pattern and change the contours to gently rounded or more flattened slopes that follow the natural lie of the land.

Why re-contour low sand dune country?

• Re-contouring the land to flat or gently rounded slopes improves the operation of centre pivots
• A more uniform soil pattern improves irrigation efficiency (water use) and crop performance, and particularly can provide a more even pattern of when crops mature
• Plus the obvious improvements to farm management (drainage, fencing, vehicle access, cultivation, sowing, and harvesting, etc.).

The Process

The Dalrymples use imported tractor-towed scrapers (pictured) to remove and replace topsoils. The equipment has high accuracy GPS and geo-referenced mapping for controlling the stripping and re-spreading operations.

 Topsoil (and peaty material in hollows) is stripped from an area of paddock and stockpiled for later re-spreading. Sand from the low dunes is removed using the same equipment, leaving them flattened or rounded. A bulldozer, which has lower ground pressure than the wheeled tractor and scrapers is also used in some areas.

The sand removed from the dunes is re-spread in the hollows to provide the flat to gently rolling contours. Topsoil is then returned to the re-contoured area, spread more evenly than before, mostly to about 100–200 mm depth. Final seedbed cultivation (using closely spaced discs and tynes) precedes sowing. 

The final stage is to ensure good drainage. Open drains are dug to about 2 m depth at about 100 m spacings after the re-contouring.

Potential Problems

Topsoil damage

Topsoil in the core of stockpiles becomes temporarily anaerobic and may have patches of grey or greenish-grey colours with a pungent odour. However, research has shown that the topsoil recovers quickly when re-spread, although there may be a small flush of ammonium.

Earthworm populations can also temporarily diminish but populations are usually low in sand dune soils and should recover in time.

The main damage from topsoil stripping and re-spreading is soil structural damage from machinery compaction, burial in the stockpile, and mechanical handling. The sandy topsoils on Waitatapia Station tend to have not well aggregated, single-grained structures and thus structural degradation is not really an issue. Compaction can be a problem but seedbed cultivation relieves this.

Hew Dalrymple is planning to minimise topsoil handling and damage through operations planning. Topsoil stripped from an initial area will be stockpiled. After re-contouring, topsoil from the second area will be spread on the first. This pattern will continue, with the initial stockpile being spread on the last re-contoured area.

Nutrient availability

Some of the re-contoured area is being converted to cropping from pine plantation. Stumps are removed (they could also be ground using appropriate machinery) and the wood slash is minimal.  It will soon become broken down by natural decomposition.

Because decomposition of woody carbonaceous slash uses up some of the soil nitrogen, higher than usual nitrogen fertilizer is required. Mulching the slash is an option, if the appropriate machinery is available. 

Soil type implications


Normal cropping on re-contoured sand country should work well because soil structural damage is minimal and easily remedied by cultivation. However, soil structural damage on re-contouring silty or clayey soils is generally more severe, requiring a period of restorative pasture before cropping is recommended.

Silts and clays

A common problem in re-contoured land, especially on silty and clayey soils, is layering at the interface between natural and re-spread soil materials. Compaction at the interface inhibits soil drainage and root penetration. It can be remedied by scarification (cultivation) before adding re-spread soil, or by subsoiling after re-spreading.

Buried soils

Sudden textural changes and buried topsoils or silty layers also create these problems,  but can be overcome by cultivating before re-spreading sand or topsoil or subsoiling. Buried topsoils should be stripped and added to the topsoil re-spreading.


Most of these problems were not observed in the sand country at Waiatatapia. There were, however, small patches of underlying iron pans, silty layers and buried humic topsoils.

Patchy iron pans in the underlying sands occurred in some small areas. Ripping to break up these pans will help drainage and root penetration. In effect, ripped iron pans will behave rather like a stony layer.

Ripping may not work as well for buried silty layers because they will re-consolidate. Instead, cultivation (ripping) of the silty layer may be beneficial by mixing it with sand.       

It is early days for the Dalrymples’ re-contouring of low sand dune country in the Manawatu. The cost-benefits of levelling the dunes will become known after two or three seasons.   

.pdf version of this report available here:

Dr. Craig Ross Report on Levelling Sand dunes

Guest Post: John McPhee, on Maintaining Wheel Tracks for CTF #1

If you are into CTF, you will know your paddock has two distinctly different soil conditions – loose and friable for growing crops, and hard and compacted for driving on. You will also realise that each area requires different management. A successful CTF system is more than just getting the wheels in the right place.

To a large extent, your cropping soil will look after itself once you keep the wheels off it. However, managing wheel tracks is very important and introduces some civil engineering to your farming enterprise.

The ideal CTF wheel track is hard, dry and wide enough to support wheels without sliding off. In vegetable production, wheel tracks tend to be narrow to maximize the crop area and are often wet, either from rainfall or irrigation. A wet wheel track may be greasy and hard to stay on, but an underwater wheel track will have lost a lot of its strength. This can lead to deep ruts from essential passes, such as from unavoidable harvest traffic.

So what to do about it, and do I have all the answers? No, I don’t have all the answers – but here are some ideas, some based on experience, others as yet untried.

First and foremost; correct paddock layout and effective surface drainage are essential to good wheel track performance. Some slope (and farming above sea level!) is a good start. Wheel tracks should run up and down slope for positive drainage. In undulating topography, there are probably places where you travel across slope to some degree, but positive drainage is the key. Strategic drainage might be necessary if there are low spots in the paddock.  Upslope diversion drains to prevent run-on, and down slope drains to collect run-off, are key elements. These should take water away as fast as possible, and may be broad-based and grassed so they can be driven over. They may be incorporated into paddock headlands.

Flat (or very low slope) paddocks present particular challenges. Laser grading may be an option. Consider laser grading just the base of the wheel track. The bed height may vary a little, so you will have to judge what is acceptable.
Will this solve all your problems? Probably not. Track erosion is one potential issue, depending on slope, although with improved infiltration in the bed, there should be a lot less water running down the tracks.

Daily harvest pressures for fresh produce are a challenge. You don’t always have the freedom to wait for tracks to dry, but at least if they are drained, they will regain their strength faster. Greasy tracks test the system – steerage discs on tractors and other equipment may help.

Despite your best efforts, there will be times when it all turns to custard. Maintenance of wheel tracks will be part of your CTF work program. After all, they are roads, and roads need maintenance. And it’s a fair bet you will spend less time maintaining them, than you would otherwise spend cultivating.

Pictures: Trafficability impacts on a heavy clay soil after rain (lots of it – 150 mm in 2 days).

This is a conventional tillage area 2 days after rain

Conventional post rain red

And here, a well drained CTF wheel track 2 days after rain

CTF post rain red

John McPhee

John is a Controlled Traffic Farming researcher at the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research and the Department of Primary Industries.

LandWISE Events November-December 2009

LandWISE, FAR and the Sustainable Farming Fund, invite you to attend the following events:

Monday 16 November 2009

FAR and LandWISE Precision Agriculture and Advanced Farming Systems Field Day Canterbury

(2.00pm – 4.30pm)

Location: Courtesy John Evans, Tregynon, 1723 Mainwarings Road, RD11, Dorie near Rakaia, Canterbury.

Sign posted from Dorie Hall, cnr Mainwarings Rd and McCrory’s Rd


Carrot seed crop establishment trial – differences to date

Mechanical Weeding – demo

Update on NI Advanced Farming Systems farmers – What other NZ farmers are up to with Precision Agriculture

Thursday 19 November

Field Walk NZ Fresh Cuts – Chris Butler

Permanent beds for Fresh vegetables – GPS and controlled traffic farming

(10am – 12pm)

Location: Courtesy NZ Freshcuts, Driveway on left at end of Prices Road, Mangere, South Auckland.

Discussion: GPS protocols

Update on ‘Advanced Farming Systems’ and ‘Holding it Together’ projects


Location: The Franklin Centre, Massey St. Pukekohe.

Discussion: LandWISE GPS protocols

Field Walk: Controlled traffic for potatoes and onions A S Wilcox – Simon Wilcox

(3.00pm – 4.30pm)

Location: Courtesy AS Wilcox, 567 Mercer Ferry Road (on right after Hunter rd if coming from Pukekohe) Pukekawa, South Auckland

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Update on ‘Advanced Farming Systems’ and ‘Holding it Together’ projects


Location:   Levin RSA 32 Bristol St. Levin.

Discussion:   LandWISE GPS protocols.

Field Walk on Controlled Traffic farming and Permanent beds for Fresh vegetables

(Furrow diking for improved infiltration and soil protection will also be viewed)


Location: Courtesy John Clark, Woodhaven Gardens, Joblins Rd, Levin.

Discussion:   Controlled Traffic farming, Soil conditions, Furrow diking.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

FieldWalk Precision Agriculture, Opou Station – Clark Farming/ F&D Briant

Update: ‘Advanced Farming Systems’ and ‘Holding it Together’ projects


Location: 190 Papatu Rd Manutuke, Gisborne

Discussion: CTF maize and squash, GPS adoption, LandWISE GPS protocols

Thursday 3 December 2009

FAR Combinable Crops Field Day 2009

(1.30pm to 6.30pm)

Location: FAR Arable Research Site, 2km north of Chertsey, SH1

Key note speaker: Jim Wilson, Precision Ag specialist and arable farmer from UK.

Advanced Farming Systems project update, Strip Tillage presentation.

Friday 4 December 2009

FAR Precision Agriculture and Advanced Farming Systems Field Day

(10.30am – 12.30pm)

Location: Courtesy Craige Mackenzie, Greenvale Pastures, 337 Reynolds Road, Methven.


Nick Poole – MAF/FAR crop sensing project           

Jim Wilson – PA and Crop sensors

General exploration of what Craige has been doing with PA.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

FAR and LandWISE Precision Agriculture and Advanced Farming Systems Field Day

Presentation by Jim Wilson of Soil essentials in UK, on crop sensing and PA at Green Shed

(12.15pm-1.00pm )

Location: Green Shed, Centre for Land and Water, 21 Ruahapia Rd, Hastings

Field walk and discussion on Precision agriculture at Scott Lawson’s organic farm.


Location: Courtesy Scott Lawson, Lawson’s Organic Farm, 302 Ngatarawa Rd, Hastings

For further information:

Call James on 06 6504531 or 0272 757757 or email

Guest Post: Roger Mandel on Variable Rate Technology

If PA adoption was a hurdle race, the gun went off a few years ago and the first hurdle was guidance. Guidance was successfully developed, quickly followed by auto-steer. We can pretty much say that all entrants cleared the first two hurdles.

The third hurdle was yield mapping, and here we saw the first crash out because the software was very complicated! A couple of others clipped the top but continue off stride. Hurdle four, Variable Rate Technology, known to all and sundry as VRT. Carnage! Bodies all over the track, with one or two limping to the finish line. It was so good up until then…

What happened? The machine dealerships and companies have a lot to answer for. Lack of local support with the attitude, “Once it leaves the lot, the PA is your problem,” or, “Call the 0800 number” is very common.
In the past year I have seen $300k machines with factory guidance systems have to be re-booted twice a day because the system freezes. And the dealer can’t fix it. I see new VRT gear that can’t talk because its software is years out of date. It takes weeks to find out why, weeks to fix it and farmers just have to accept it. I am glad they don’t build aircraft.

Until the hardware problems are fixed the rest of issues around precision agriculture are minor. The new ISO-BUS will help, but we have at least 10 years before that technology works its way through the industry.
Start making purchase decisions based on the quality of support you’ll get. The second best gear with the best support trumps the best gear if you can’t operate it.

We have come up with a few simple rules for Variable Rate Technology (VRT).

  1. VRT pays when the yield difference between two zones is ~1 t/ha or more.
  2. You need to know what is causing that variability. This is nothing but basic agronomy. What is the constraint? For farmers in Western Australia (home for me) it is often soil type which equals water holding capacity. But it could be compaction, subsoil toxicity, water logging, and the list goes on.
  3. Can I fix the problem? Will amelioration remove the problem? If the answer is yes you are lucky, most problems can’t be fixed – just reduced.
  4. Zones should be simple. Have only 2 or 3 zones and the location of the border should be “close enough is good enough”. If instrument that we measure with is 15m wide (header front) and the tool that we apply 18m (seeder bar) don’t worry if the boundary between zones is .5m this way or that way; think in seeder bar width.
  5. The size of the paddock is less important, and zones don’t have to stay within a single paddock. I have seen growers zoning the farm (or all one crop within a farm) as a single paddock. Fences and roads are not issues. The part of the computer for auto steer is separate from the part that does VRT so as I put it, “You don’t have to colour inside the lines (paddock boundaries).”
  6. Not all paddocks need PA. Just because you have the toys doesn’t mean you have to use them in every paddock.

Finally: There are lots of people out there selling information (imagery like EM, Gamma and NDVI), services (VRT maps and cleaning yield maps), and gear (guidance, task controllers, software packages and sensors). A word of warning; there are many fantastic people out there but a few bad ones are making it tough on the rest. You need to do your homework. Ask for references and good luck!

Dr Roger Mandel
Lecturer Agronomy, Curtin University of Technology

Stop jumping on the bed! ???

CTF- Taking the tractor off your beds and onto permanent tracks

As featured in ‘Grower’ October 2009

Controlled Traffic Farming is a simple way to dramatically reduce input costs (time, fuel & machinery) – while sustainably increasing crop yields – towards increased farm profit.

With appropriate agronomy and management CTF is being used in NZ, Australia, South Africa, US and Europe.  Farmers use CTF to maximise the potential of both the cropped and wheeled areas for their specific purposes.   The tracked areas in the paddock become valuable in saving fuel and for bearing traffic in wet conditions, meaning operations can continue or resume sooner after rain.

CTF simply involves confining all field vehicles to the least possible area of permanent traffic lanes to avoid the soil damage and costs associated with conventional cropping.

This makes sense.  Just like us, soils can’t do their work as well if they have been run over by a tractor.  I mentioned this at a LandWISE presentation. A woman in the audience told me about her tractor ‘bite’ and that once was enough for her! 

We have been told all our lives not to walk or barrow on the beds in our vege gardens.  Now RTK GPS technology gives us the ability to stay off the beds in our crops too. 

Dan Bloomer and I, together with a few other Kiwi’s, attended the Controlled Traffic conference and Precision Agriculture Symposium in Australia in September.   Australian adoption of Precision Agriculture and GPS guidance is growing rapidly.  It was a good place to learn what our neighbours are up to.  Their soils have suffered decades of wheel damage.  The Australians have learned that compacted soils shed more water, making the impact of floods and droughts worse.  So they are becoming big fans of CTF. 

We learnt that some 4000 RTK GPS units are in use for tractor guidance over there and nearly 11% of cropping in Australia is under controlled traffic.   Some farmers in Australia have cut their machinery costs by as much as 75% while their crop yields have risen.  With water such a limiting factor it was exciting to hear that CTF farmers were having their crops mature where their neighbours were not able to harvest in drought.  Adoption in this environment is proving rapid.  The SPAA website is worth a look:

Does this apply equally here in New Zealand?  LandWISE project farmers across the country are also working with controlled traffic farming and are teaming up to share information and methods in vegetable production.

Woodhaven Gardens in Horowhenua grow fresh vegetables, supplying markets year round.  John Clarke was very keen to explore the advantages of controlled traffic.  He wants the improved soil structure and increased accessibility to the crop offered by firmer permanent wheel tracks.  And he is keen on less flooding because of better infiltration of water into the soil.  Reduced fuel consumption is a bonus of a CTF system.  

Antonia Glaria is the Agronomist and Production Manager at Woodhaven. She is responsible for trialling the conversion to a controlled traffic system.  “We are happy with how the soil is looking after the changes we have made to the system” says Antonia.

Existing equipment fits with the change and less field operations are needed, because much of the soil compaction has gone.  The tractor is mounted with a Trimble RTK GPS for bed forming and planting.  John plans to add another GPS system in the near future to extend their use of CTF and get the gains of GPS in other operations.

Antonia is sharing her experiences from the changes with Chris Butler at NZ Fresh Cuts. Chris is also a LandWISE project farmer.  He has been using controlled traffic for salad production in Auckland and in the Waikato. The system he has developed is similar to the Controlled Traffic Farming at Woodhaven.

If you would like to learn more about controlled traffic, you can visit the LandWISE website, there is plenty of information, as well as pictures and links to video in the resources section at:

Promoting sustainable production