Levin Field Walk
In conjunction with Potatoes NZ, we have a field event in Levin on Wednesday 27 February. The content will be of interest to all growers and supporters – it’s not just potato topics. Of note will be discussion about the Teralytic probes that have been installed. Plant & Food will demonstrate the Nitrate Quick Test. We’ll be updating people on the Future Proofing Vegetable Production project (co-funded by Horizons Regional Council, Potatoes NZ, Gisborne District Council, Ballance AgriNutrients and LandWISE).
2.30pm Chris Pescini’s Farm
52 Kimberley Rd, Levin (old Hort Research station)
Teralytic Probes Trial, TPP Spray Trials, Tamarixia Release Trials, Regreening, Powdery Scab, PMTV Update, Future Proofing Vegetables, Urea fertilsers for Vegetables, Quick N Test, Climate Change, Monitoring nitrates in drainage water
Call Gemma 027 2404682 or Iain 027 2401092 with any last minute queries

Gisborne: Early March
We have not yet set a date or place, but we will have a similar vegetable field day in Gisborne in early March. It will cover the same topics, omitting specific potato issues. Newsletter subscribers will get a notice soon.
Call Pip with any queries: 022 507 1355
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Future Proofing Vegetable Production Funders