Special Technical Session

Friday 22 May 2015 (By Application)

A forum for lead farmers and technologists

Intention:   Scoping research and farm technology needs, and creating networks of people

All places at the Callaghan Innovation Special Technical Session have been taken. Further applications will be placed on a waiting list


Special Session Sponsor


We welcome Callaghan Innovation as a new supporter of the LandWISE Conference and Lead Sponsor of the Special Technical Session. The fit is excellent: Callaghan Innovation accelerates commercialisation of innovation by firms in New Zealand. It has the talent, resources, knowledge and connections to help businesses turn ideas into internationally marketable products and services more quickly and successfully.


Scoping research and farm technology needs and creating networks of people.

  • 60 second introductions (all)
  • Defining future farm problems and challenges
  • Lead presentations
  • Discussion of key issues

We have a great gathering of presenters and delegates at LandWISE 2015. We are taking the opportunity to enable a deeper discussion of key issues, and providing a forum to make new contacts and enhance networking.

Some of the Special Session Delegates

  • Rob Fitch, Australian Centre for Field Robotics
  • Mark Burgess, UoA Institute for Innovation in Biotechnology
  • Craige Mackenzie, Farmer from Methven, AgriOptics
  • Tristan Perez, Queensland University of Technology
  • John Evans, Farmer, Ashburton
  • Mike White, Ravensdown Fertiliser
  • Bruce MacDonald, University of Auckland
  • Peter Schaare, Plant & Food Research BioEngineering

There are limited places at this event for which applications are invited.
Your investment for this event:

  • 2015 Conference Attendees:  $75+GST
  • Others: $150+GST

Apply and pre-register here>


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