2010 LandWISE Conference

2010 LandWISE Conference

Know Your Farm – With Precision Ag, Havelock North, 12th & 13th May.

The LandWISE conference aims to be to the leading Precision Agriculture event in New Zealand each year.

You will get to meet other farmers, growers and industry people with an interest in Precision Agriculture.  And  hear world class speakers on these topics:

  • Precision Ag and the Big Wide World – MAF Director of Strategy Development – James Palmer, Professor David Lamb (UNE) and Dr Charles Merfield, will address the challenges and changes driving advances in Precision Ag. in NZ and worldwide.
  • Making Your Data Valuable – New ways farm data is enhancing farm profitability.  See how it is being collected and used to farm better.
  • Knowing and Growing Your Soil – Ways you can preserve and improve soil quality.
  • Managing Traffic in the Field – Updates on managing soil compaction, a technical session on tyre inflation and successful Controlled Traffic Farming in NZ.
  • Managing Variability – Demystifying crop sensors, agronomy tools and Variable Rate Technology to improve effectiveness with fertiliser and other inputs.
  • Precision Irrigation – How some NZ  farmers are managing water smarter to reduce the cost and environmental impacts of irrigation.

Members enjoy a discount, so if you are coming to the LandWISE conference, consider signing up, you will be in excellent company.

This year the LandWISE Conference will be followed by a one day Crop Sensor Workshop on 14th May 2010.  Places limited.

To receive a conference schedule, to register or to learn more about our activities, contact LandWISE for more information at info@landwise.org.nz

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