Hi, I’m Georgia O’Brien, the new LandWISE Project Coordinator.
I am the contact person for the Smart Tools to Improve Orchard Drainage Project jointly funded by Sustainable Farming Fund and New Zealand Apples and Pears Inc. I am excited to be working with growers and industry on this pressing issue in the pipfruit sector. I am also looking forward to supporting Pip and Dan in the Future Proofing Vegetable Production project – aiming to improve nitrate management on vegetable cropping farms.
Part of my role is keeping our Memberships up to date and working with sponsors and trade displays for the LandWISE Annual Conference. If you have any queries about your membership status, want to become a financial member, or want to get involved with the conference, contact me!
Originally from Palmerston North, I grew up on a small thoroughbred breeding stud and recently beef finishing farm. I studied horticulture at Massey because I’m passionate about growing high quality food sustainably in New Zealand. I was proud to receive a T&G Global Summer Internship which included placement in Hawke’s Bay orchards last year.
I’m keen learn and take on new challenges, so please don’t hesitate to get in contact at georgia@landwise.org.nz if you have any questions or ideas on our projects or the organisation itself.
I’m looking forward to meeting more LandWISE members and helping Dan and the team achieve success on our LandWISE projects.