Design-a-Bot Workshop

New at LandWISE Conference 2015 was a special session where small groups have a chance to specify their “dream farm robot”.

Mammoth Robot - a reconfigurable robot for row crop monitoring (University of Sydney image)
Mammoth Robot – a reconfigurable robot for row crop monitoring (University of Sydney image)

The point of the Design-a-Bot workshop session was to fully explore things farmers would like automation to assist and where they perceive value will be created. Along with that, it was a great way to ensure our understanding of the sensing, automation and associated technologies was on-track. 

A number of world leading researchers in these fields were presenters at “The Farm of 2030” and others attended as delegates.  They will circulated around the design teams, listening, learning and offering their combined wisdom.

The key was not knowing how to make it work. Specification means knowing what you want it to do and the constraints under which it must operate. Starting to think about how before you know exactly what can severely restrict the creative thinking that ultimately identifies the optimal designs to achieve your dreams.

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