LandWISE 2018: Technologies for Timely Actions

In 2018, our sixteenth conference addresses the topic of “Technologies for Timely Actions”. We are delighted that LandWISE 2018 is officially part of Techweek, a festival amplifying New Zealand innovation that’s good for the world.

The intention behind Techweek is simple – New Zealand’s technology and innovation sectors are growing rapidly, and Techweek fosters that growth by providing a week-long opportunity for connection and cross-pollination.


Registrations for LandWISE 2018 are open and you can book your place via the Techweek link. LandWISE members can also contact our Conference Admin if required.


The draft programme will be released soon. Members will receive regular updates, but for now pur 23-24 May in your diary.  Then come along, listen, discuss:

  • How can managers and other decision makers get the information they need, process it, and decide what to do?
  • What is the information they need?
  • What tools help them make sense of it?
  • What’s available (or coming) to make it as easy and reliable as possible to do the right thing, in the right place at the right time?

It’s not just robots and computers : the quick Nitrate test promises rapid determination of available N while standing in the paddock – considerable help when deciding “do I put more now or can I hold off?” Combine that with smart crop zoning (that does involve computing) and maybe we can lift quality and reduce impacts.

We look forward to once again greeting delegates at the LandWISE Conference in Havelock North on 23-24 May 2018.

How to stay in touch

If you’re not already a subscriber, click here for the free e-newsletter. Remember too, members get conference discounts so click here to join.