GrowMaps this week completed the first comprehensive soil pH mapping at the MicroFarm. GrowMaps will have a trade display at the LandWISE 2017 Conference and will be taking part in the Horizons Regional Council field session at the Centre for Land and Water.
GrowMaps principal Luke Posthuma completed the survey, and says his observations as the survey progressed suggest there is a reasonable spread of pH across our relatively small area.
As well as Veris sampling, Luke took a number of soil samples for verification and calibration checks.
The Veris equipment also maps soil electrical conductivity (EC) down to 60cm. Soil EC is a measurement of how much electrical current soil can conduct. It is often an effective way to map soil texture because smaller soil particles such as clay conduct more current than larger silt and sand particles.
Part of the Veris pH mapping is post-survey processing to create the most reliable result. We await the processed maps with considerable interest.
We previously had a similar soil conductivity map provided by AgriOptics and it will be interesting to compare the results.