
In our July 2012 newsletter we opened a discussion about smartphones.

It seems smartphones are driving another massive shift in farmer access to information and use of computing. Almost every farmer walks around with a computer in their pocket. Phones have computer power greater than full size office computers had only a few years ago.

  • How widespread is smartphone use?
  • What systems are preferred?
  • What applications do people find most useful?
  • Who uses smartphones to connect to their office?

We got instant feedback, and more than on any other topic we can recall.

We have asked more groups about smartphone use, and there remains a lot of interest. And a lot of variable response.

Discussions over recent weeks suggest uptake is probably somewhere between 4% and 96% depending on area and sector. The use of potential smartphone capability seems to have a similar spread.

We have continued to receive feedback and see smartphones as an area where some work is urgently needed. We’d be interested to hear from you.

  • Is coverage in your area good enough?
  • What’s your favourite app?
  • Is there a must have widget?

What will farmers be doing with pocket computers in five years time?

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