SPAA 2015 Precision Ag Expo


People interested in Precision Ag may find this a good opportunity to listen and chat to researchers, industry and farmers using the gear.

LandWISE people have attended a few of the SPAA Expos and they have all been useful events. Though it is a fair hike from New Zealand!

Date: Friday 13th Feb 2015

Location: Wallaroo Recreation Centre, Wallaroo South Australia

Event features

  • Farmer presentations
  • Sponsor talks and trade displays
  • FREE PA Connections: Post event networking drinks

Keynote speakers

  • Mark Swift: Nuffield Scholar to share his project experiences on UAVs and automonous systems and pose the question on their role in agriculture and getting them off the ground
  • John Nicoletti: WA largest grain producer will share his business strategy and farming at such a large scale.


  • Michael Richards – Update on Snails and PA research
  • Peter Treloar – N response and N monitoring in the YP (supported by the YPASG)
  • Mark Branson – Economics of using PA on my farm
  • Ashley Wakefield – Protein mapping
  • Ben Wundersitz – My PA experiences; a local farmer perspective of overcoming common problems
  • Mandy Pearce – Apps and cloud technology
  • Ann Wallace – Pedigree Matchmaker

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