Fertiliser Spreader Calibration

We successfully completed our SFF project “On-farm Fertiliser Spreader Calibration” and launched the online tool, www.fertspread.nz earlier this year.

Some key messages:

  • Our testing found wide performance variation
  • Most new machines do a good job if set up correctly
  • Caution is essential spreading blended fertilisers or when bout widths exceed 30 m
  • Visible striping indicates > 40% application variability and at least a 20% yield penalty.
  • Fertiliser ballistics play a critical role
Setting out a line of catch trays to test fertiliser application uniformity
Driving over a line of catch trays

We ran a number of workshops from Waikato to Ashburton reaching a wide range of farmers and industry people. Information, training handouts and how-to YouTube video clips are on the LandWISE website. See www.fertspread.nz for the on-line calculator and field recording sheets.

We are grateful for strong support from Miles Grafton and Ian Yule at Massey University.

This project was co-funded by the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR), the Fertiliser Association (FertResearch) and MPI Sustainable Farming Fund.

More at www.landwise.org.nz/projects/fert-calibration

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