Guide to Smart Farming well received

A Guide to Smart Farming was published in December 2011. It was widely distributed in January 2012 with complimentary copies sent to LandWISE members, Rural Contractors , Foundation for Arable Research and Horticulture New Zealand levy payers. To date over 6,000 copies have been delivered and feed back has been extremely positive.

A Guide to Smart Farming contains a wealth of information, including case studies of farmers using new technologies, and expert articles explaining how the technologies work.

“New Zealand has a unique ability to supply quality produce to a rapidly increasing global market,” says Hew Dalrymple. “But to do so sustainably requires new approaches to farming and new skills for those on the land.”

The book encapsulates learning which is the result of many years’ collaboration, especially between LandWISE, the Foundation for Arable Research, Horticulture New Zealand, and Plant & Food Research. At its core are Sustainable Farming fund projects, Advanced Cropping Systems and Holding it Together.

View the Table of Contents here>

With orders now coming from across New Zealand and Australia, as well as the United Kingdom and Brasil, we’ve set up on-line shopping. Those in New Zealand and Australia will find the esiest way to purchase is via TradeMe. Search for “guide smart farming” and you’ll get to the auction page. The buy now price is $29-90 plus post. Others should contact us at LandWISE

Those who have already read the book are invited to post comment here.

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