In Project Year 1, we collected base layer information in several ways. A number of examples are presented below.
Each image has our four key detailed Sampling Zones marked. Plant & Food monitoring and sampling was concentrated in these areas, and the results used to corroborate and calibrate the whole paddock data collected from the sensor suite.
Aerial/satellite imagery
Our site has a number of Google Earth aerial and satellite images taken from 2003 to recent weeks and months. We use the time slider to scan across images to better understand our site.

Examples of Google Earth imagery presented as pdfs are here:
- 01 August 2014 onion crop: post-planting
- 24 January 2015: Lifted crop on onion beds
- 19 April 2015 Winter cover crops
- Click here for interpretations
Paddock Topography
Page Bloomer Associates surveyed the MicroFarm using Trimble RTK equipment from GPS Control Systems. The data were processed using OptiSurface Surface Flow modelling software to create a topographic map and surface ponding maps.
- 16 January 2015: OptiSurface Topography
- 16 January 2015: OptiSurface Ponding 100mm beds
- Click here for interpretations
UAV Imagery
MicroFarm supporters AltusUAS collected aerial imagery taken from their Delta X-4 UAV.
Soil ElectroMagnetic Response
AgriOptics surveyed our site with their Dual-EM sensor and prepared soil maps based on soil electromagnetic response.
- 07 July 2015: AgriOptics Shallow EM as pdf image
- 07 July 2015: AgriOptics Shallow EM for GoogleMaps
- 07 July 2015: AgriOptics Deep EM as pdf image
For those interested, the raw data from the AgriOptics survey is available as a csv file: