We had a good turn out at our Nitrate Quick Test and Alternative Application Technology Demonstrations in Gisborne on 4th February. Many thanks to Calvin Gedye and family for hosting the event.
Intended for Growers, Agronomists, and Fertiliser Reps, it was a chance to show and see some new technologies and talk about trials we are running in Gisborne and Levin. Attendees saw demonstrations of:
- Soil nitrate testing using the Nitrate Quick Test Kit
- How to interpret Quick N Test results using the FAR Quick Mass Balance Tool
- Alternative fertiliser application equipment: Y-Drops and Stream Bars

Managing plant available nitrogen in soil is critical to ensuring crop yield and quality targets are met, and the risk of losses is minimised. However Nitrate-N, the main source of N available to plants is highly variable spatially and over time. Regular soil testing can help growers make better decisions about fertiliser use. Quick-N tests are affordable, easy to use and can give results in less than half an hour.
Why liquid fertilisers? In order to sidedress N more frequently and match crop demand closely, application needs to be efficient, even and easy. Liquid fertiliser application technology is progressing, and many attachments are now available to fit spray booms, in a variety of different spread patterns. Specialised nozzles do not mist, but apply large droplets that run off leaves and minimise risk of burning.
The dropper systems apply liquid direct to the soil alongside the plants, where root activity is greatest.

This workshop was presented as part of our SFF project Future Proofing Vegetable Production.