Site Specific Vineyard Management

Welcome to “Site Specific Vineyard Management”, a MAF Sustainable Farming Fund project focused on enhancing the financial sustainability of grape growing.

About the Site Specific Vineyard Management project

Winegrowers and viticulturists in Hawke’s Bay are focused on cost effective management.

They teamed up with LandWISE to look at benefits of managing different vineyard zones differently; planning and implementing practical site specific management strategies and assessing financial costs and benefits. Different parts of vineyards have different inherent production characteristics.

Variability causes non-uniform development, implying benefit from different management strategies. Uniform management means some areas under-perform while others have excessive inputs for the value achievable. Targeting appropriate inputs to defined zones can save money and improve quality.

Three case study vineyards were identified, representing small and large producers. Canopy sensing to define management zones built on successful trials by Spatial Solutions. Other information such as soil, vigour or harvest quality maps were assessed by growers, viticulturists and LandWISE.

Vineyard management advisory teams including the grower, viticulturist and winery representatives developed block management plans. Plans include recommendations for pruning, through canopy management and crop loading, to harvest. These have now been applied, and the results are being monitored for the 2012 harvest.

Download a copy of the field walk handouts

Field walk 1: Omahu Rd

Field walk 2: Mere Rd

Field walk 3:  Mere Rd – Omahu Rd

Precision Viticulture Conference Day

A special viticulture day was added to the annual LandWISE Conference in Havelock North in May. “Smart Viticulture” brought together project outcomes and add a number of extra presentations on a wide variety of topics. Keynote Rob Bramley led a list of excellent speakers – see more details click here>

Conference presentations ( a few most related to the project)

Using Precision Technologies

Economics in the vineyard

EM Mapping

Canopy sensing

To become involved in LandWISE Precision Viticulture activities, contact us with your name, email and mobile number.


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