Soil Workshop 2 – Gisborne 22nd August

Leaderbrand, 390 Tucker Road
Hexton, Gisborne
1:00 – 3:00pm Thursday 22 August
Please RSVP to

This workshop follows Soils Workshop 1 that covered soil nutrient sampling, testing and determining nutrient needs.  Growers wanted to revisit soil quality assessment and to cover the Soil Nitrate Quick Test and that is precisely what we’ll do!

This is an outdoor workshop – digging, dropping, sieving and scoring! So stay in your boots and join us.

Visual Soil Assessment

The Visual Soil Assessment (VSA) method uses a series of simple visual checks that are strongly linked to scientific measurements of soil quality. A soil sample is cpompared to sets of three photos, scored and an overall VSA score  determined.

QuickTest for Nitrates

Growers are using the Nitrate Quick Test to determine soil nitrate availability and in many cases reduce side dressing rates, sometimes to nil. It uses a rootzone sample, an extract solution and dipsticks to measure soil solution nitrate concentration. This can be simply converted to kg/ha of available N.

Bring a friend to Hexton, and learn to assess your primary resource!

This event is presented as part of “Future Proofing Vegetable Production”, a Sustainable Farming Fund project supported by government, industry and farmers.