Managing Herbicide Resistance – Panel Discussion

LandWISE: Promoting Sustainable Crop Production
LandWISE: Promoting Sustainable Crop Production
Managing Herbicide Resistance - Panel Discussion

The Live Panel Discussion with the Managing Herbicide Resistance guests was held on Tuesday 28th July after our presenters featured on the LandWISE Podcast. Guests included:

  • Associate Professor Kerry Harrington (Massey University)
  • Chris Buddenhagen (AgResearch)
  • Martin Espig (AgResearch)
  • Robyn Dynes (AgResearch)
  • John Evans & Kai Tegels (Arable Farmers)

The recording starts with the panel members introducing themselves, along with a quick synopsis of their topic content.

If you’re interested to hear the episodes from Kerry Harrington & Hossein Ghanizadeh, Chris Buddenhagen, Martin Espig & Robyn Dynes, and John Evans & Kai Tegels, you can listen to their individual podcast episodes here:

All Podcast Episodes here >

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