What are RSS Feeds?

You’ll see that our website offers “Feeds”. A wee search engine checks our site each day for new material and lets you know if it finds any.
The steps below show you how to have LandWISE Feeds set as a favourite on your web browser.

Subscribe via RSS

RSS feeds set a favourites link in your web browser. The RSS feed collects our updates for you. When you look at your feeds, it contains items put on our website. You get the information, but you have to remember to look regularly yourself.

How do you subscribe to RSS feeds?

1. Look for this icon  RSSFeeds

It tells you the website offers feeds. On the LandWISE site, you’ll find it just below the Subscribe for Free LandWISE Updates option

2. Click on Subscribe via RSS


• A special LandWISE page will come up showing all the latest content. At the top of the page is a box in which you’ll find a link to set up the subscription.


3. Click on Subscribe to this feed

• A pop-up Subscribe to this feed asks if you want to subscribe to LandWISE


4. Click Subscribe and a Feed called LandWISE will be added to your favorites

5. Check your favorite feed regularly for LandWISE updates or to quickly search our postings. You can search here by categories too.

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